Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

Adjudicator Core ROXED 2015


We are glad to have Widia as our CA this year.
A girl next-door who has started to participate in debate tournaments since high school, The representative of Andalas University in NUEDC 2011 Semarang and NUEDC 2012 Denpasar, champion of WESCED 2011, 1st runner up of UDC 2011, 1st runner up of NUEDC 2012 Regional X Pekanbaru, 3rd Runner Up of UMSU Debate Open 2015 Medan, and became top best speaker in various regional debating tournaments.

Her adjudicating experience started in 2012 and she has invited and made it to break in UDC 2012 and 2013, SEO 2014 Unri, NUDC 2013 regional X Pekanbaru, and PVED 2014 Batam. She is the Novice Final Adjudicator of Asian English Olympics (AEO) 2015 Jakarta, and the Invited Adjudicator of NUDC 2015 Pontianak.


I have learned debating since i was in vocational high school. When i first started, the challenge for me is to speak for 7 minutes, to have a better english, to know what the argument should be. So many thing to learn and not once or twice i get frustrated (happy because i win the debate but so many times i am crying ofcourse because i lose in debate tournament), feeling that i can not get better. But then i realize that DEBATING is not about winning or losing, but more important than that, that is how we get passion of it, how we can express our feeling, thought and opinion. I am sure there is always room to have better knowledge, have better structure, have better manner. But one thing we need to have is the PASSION.  Hence, let’s START TO SPEAK, DARE TO SPEAK, IT’S OKAY TO BE AFRAID, BUT IT’S NOT OKAY TO LET THE FEAR STOP YOU (even I am still have unique tradition that I always Vomit before the Debate start).

-Grandfinalist Adjudicator of SOVED (Sumatra Overland Varsity English Debate) 2013 in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatra Utara.
-Grandfinalist Adjudicator in IREDC (International Relation English Debate Competition) in Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta 2013.
-Grandfinalist Adjudicator in  Politeknik Negeri Batam English Debate Competition in Politeknik Negeri Batam 2013. 

-Champion in REO (Riau English Olympic) UNRI Pekanbaru 2013
-Champion in SEO (Sumatra English Olympic) UNRI Pekanbaru 2014 
-Delegation of SUMUT for IVED (Indonesia Varsity English Debating) UI Jakarta 2015.
-Best Speaker in IMTG ( Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand) in Malaysia, Perlis 2014


He graduated from Andalas University with a major in Linguistics. He has been debating since 2005, and since 2008 he has been invited to provide debate trainings, adjudication seminars, and workshops on public speaking and effective communication for various institutions, as well as to take part as A-core in a number of competitions. Among his debating experinces are: he was one of the maindraw quarter-finalist and the 3rd Novice Best Speaker in NUEDC 2010, undefeated champion and 1st Best Speaker in West Sumatran tournaments during 2011, and he recently won the 2015's Medan BP Open & crowned as the 1st Best Speaker.

-Invited and Breaking Adjudicator in Asian English Olympics 2014, 2015

-Breaking Adjudicator in National University Debating Championship 2011, Semarang 

Invited Adjudicator and Breaking Adjudicator in National University Debating Championship 2012 (Denpasar), 2013 (Palembang), 2014 (Batam)

-Invited Adjudicator and Breaking Adjudicator in NUDC Regional X 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

-Adj-core and 1st Breaking Adjudicator in Sumatra Overland Varsities English Debate 2013 (Medan), 2014 (Padang), 2015 (Pekanbaru)

Invited and Breaking Adjudicator (Semifinal) in ALSA UI Debate Championship 2013, Jakarta

-DCA and 3rd Breaking Adjudicator in Riau English Olympics 2013,
DCA and 5th Breaking Adjudicator in Sumatra English Olympics 2014, Pekanbaru 
DCA and 1st Breaking Adjudicator in Riau English Festival 2014, Pekanbaru

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